Zora Neal Hurston:
"There are years that ask quesions and years that answer."
And those answers are infinitely more than I could ever imagine them to be, or understand while standing in the question.
My friend Joan is known to say, "This or something better."
Wonderful stance.. move, change, wait, invite, allow. but always expect better.
Something better may not look or feel like what you desire or imagined. Just expect it.
But wait.. it is what we do with the answer, the something better, and not the answer alone.
How does it take us closer to God, what does it show us of God, how will you allow it to shape you into a finer, truer, being, who allows her/himself to be loved so deeply by God that we must love the world around us in reply.?
Know that God and the universe desire only the best for you.
Love yourself into being. This is the work of formation.
Love your neighbor as yourself. This is God's work on earth through you.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul. This is the narrow path that allows for and establishes the foundation for the first two to truly be.
Blessings on your path, through questions and answers~
"This or something better."
I love that!
this is such a beautiful post, as always.
thanks mom. this or something better indeed! I like it!
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