Thursday, June 20, 2024

 June 2024     It's been a few years since I felt the nudge from the Holy Spirit and the encouragement of some loved ones to post again on this site. During the pandemic, I retired from hospice spiritual care but have remained active and busy with spiritual direction clients and leading retreats. I thought the formation and direction work would cease but God had other thoughts. I continue to have active direction clients and about once a year I am asked to lead a retreat.

I have been a spiritual director since 2003, and I serve both ordained and lay directees. I also meet with laity who are feeling a call to ordained ministry. I sit on the Western MI Commission on Ministry and am a spiritual director for both Episcopal aspirants and postulants. 

Retreats, especially multi-day retreats, take a large amount of time for discernment and writing, and once per year is just about right for me!  My most recent retreat was leading the women of Holy Comforter Parish in Charlotte, NC, through a three-day formation retreat centered on holy self-care, in all its forms, and hearing the call of the Holy Spirit within all of one's life. 

As is for all spiritual directors the time spent with directees (remember the Holy Spirit is the true director) feeds my own formation along the way.. a good and holy result. 

If you are led to explore your faith journey, and your relationship with God, or want to find the movements of God's spirit within you and within your life experiences and relationships I would be honored to hear from you.  We will first see if meeting with me is a good fit for both of us. 

Whether we meet or you find another path, may God bless your journey. 



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